The Savant

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013|

Whether you’re a hiring manager, a recruiter or simply tasked with hiring new talent, there are various conclusions that we draw in order to determine if someone should be hired for a particular position. Do they have the relevant qualifications? Are they the right cultural fit? Can they lead a team or take direction from a higher authority? It’s important to understand different personality types so that management styles can be tailored in order to get the best out of the person or if you simply just want to hire more people exactly like them.

Artisan Creative recently read some research published by discussing the personality traits of people most likely to succeed in the creative industry and it got us thinking about how their conclusions relate to our candidates, our clients, and ourselves. It’s become somewhat fashionable to discuss the pros and cons of introverts vs. extroverts, but by looking past the basics, we can begin to understand different personalities and how to utilize this information to our advantage.

Savant is French for “knowing,” which explains why The Savant personality type is a sought-after person within the creative industry. They tend to be incredibly skilled, yet really home in on just a few specialized subjects. Savants are fantastically creative and brilliant but may struggle with basic math and feel out of place in social situations. By nature, they’re introverted and creatures of habit, often spending hours working independently on a project.

How Do I Identify and Work with The Savant?

  • Establish rapport–Put them at ease. Make them feel comfortable whether in a job interview or a work environment. 
  • Lead the conversation–Ask direct questions about their skills and achievements rather than questions about themselves.
  • Test them–If they’re a developer or a writer, put them to the test and see them flourish.
  • Give praise–The Savant type can grow bored when not pushed or excited about their work but when they do find something they love, they are often their own worst critic. Be sure to show support for their efforts.

Next time you’re hiring new talent or going through an interview process yourself, take some time to understand and recognize personality types. Look out for telltale traits and tailor the surroundings to fit. If you’re a Savant type yourself, focus on your best talents and see just how far you can push your creative potential.

Laura Pell, Talent Acquisition

6 Tips for Better Employee Engagement

Thursday, October 17th, 2013|

I once had a boss who was the most enthusiastic person you’ll ever meet. She was always high energy, always excited, always fully present, and working hard. During an important and urgent project she could be heard asking everyone, “Isn’t this fun!?

All the time.

Her enthusiasm was definitely infectious and did inspire her team–mostly volunteers–to heights of creativity that none of us could have imagined. We built the Roman Colosseum out of cardboard boxes!

Of course, there were times, however, when you really wanted to answer, “Not so much.” We got tired and sometimes what she wanted us to do seemed truly impossible.

She was trying to keep us engaged and most of the time it worked. Here are some of our tips for keeping your team engaged even when they are approaching their burnout point:

  1. Stay in the trenches–All the verbal encouragement in the world falls on deaf ears if you go back in your office and close the door. Leaders are willing to do everything their team is doing and more. Participate.
  2. Listen to suggestions–That fantastic team you have assembled is a font of great ideas. Be flexible and let them make some of the decisions about the project. They will be more invested in its success than if they are just following directions.
  3. Don’t hear whining–You’ll hear it or hear about it, but making a big deal about it won’t help. Block it out. It will pass, especially if you empower your team to implement their own ideas.
  4. Keep calm and carry on–As the team leader, your attitude affects everyone else’s. Make sure you have a good one while you power through the project to completion.
  5. Plan rewards–Your team will cheer those cupcakes or lattes, especially if their energy has passed its peak. Let them have a little party and they will continue on with goodwill.
  6. Say “Thank You!”–Even if your project is in your team’s job descriptions, they will appreciate feeling appreciated. Gratitude is always in order.

Any team–or leader–can hit the wall, but you don’t have to fall apart when it happens. Be aware of the dynamics of your team, pay attention to nonverbal cues and the next time you say, “Isn’t this fun?” they just might say, “Yeah!”

Wendy Stackhouse, for Artisan Creative

Leadership: They Will Do What You Do

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013|

Any parent knows: children learn from what we do much more than from what we say. The same can certainly be said for members of a team under your leadership. You can tell them how you would like them to collaborate, what you want from them in terms of respect for others, or the best way to manage their time, but if you are not modeling the behavior, all that will fall on deaf ears.

Your team is not trying to be difficult or get in the way of your vision, they are listening to the nonverbal instructions you are giving them. So it’s up to you to give them the right ones:

  • Ask for feedback–If you are willing to listen to the insights of your team, they will be willing to listen to yours. If you have hired the right people, they will have valuable information and suggestions to streamline a process or improve a product.
  • Mentor–Develop the talent on your team. Teach them what you know and let them grow. Encourage them to mentor newer team members as well. Developing individual relationships on a team can lead to greater success with brainstorming projects.


  • Be specific–Especially if you have very particular expectations, be clear about what they are and how they could be exceeded. Generalities often result in average outcomes.


  • Be human–There will be times when someone on your team has work/life balance issues for a while or an emergency. Sometimes that person will be you. 

You don’t have to be perfect to be a good leader–you just have to be paying attention. Just like all those people following are.

Wendy Stackhouse for Artisan Creative

Dog Days of Summer

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013|

If you are a dog person, you know the benefits of having a furry companion at home. Dog owners recover more quickly from being sick, suffer less frequently from depression and loneliness, and have a built-in conversation starter. But there are also some benefits to bringing your dog to work or encouraging your employees to do so:

  • Attract and retain quality candidates—A “dog-friendly office” is an appealing perk to a job seeker and a tough perk to walk away from once hired.
  • Improved Morale—Dogs don’t just make their owners smile, they increase levels of the brain chemicals that make us happy and calm. Plus they are pretty entertaining!
  • Increased Productivity—Letting dogs come to work will keep your employees at their desks until a project is finished since they don’t have to be home to walk or feed their pet. Dog owners also miss fewer days of work due to illness.
  • Team Building—Dogs don’t just help you get dates, they also help you build connections with co-workers.

Freelancers are accustomed to having their dogs with them while they work. Full-time employees would love to have the same opportunity to bring a little bit of home with them to the office. Have you ever worked for a dog-friendly company? We would love to hear about it! And have a terrific Take Your Dog to Work Day on Friday, June 21st!

Wendy Stackhouse, for Artisan Creative

7 Interview Questions Every Employer Should Ask

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013|

Whether you’re a veteran interviewer or hiring your first employee, you’ll probably agree that the interview is the most important part of the recruitment process. Therefore it’s critical to ask the right questions. While our version of the Proust Questionnaire offers a few out of the box questions (designed in some cases to stump potential employees or just see how creative they can be), here are a few of the more typical questions every interviewer should be asking:

    1. Tell me about yourself. – This type of open-ended question is a great way to start your interview and put your candidate at ease. It should be easy to talk about yourself! It also gives you an opportunity to witness both confidence and communication skills first hand.


    1. Describe a time when something went wrong at work and how you dealt with it. – This question is ideal for learning about how your potential hire will handle the pressures of life and conflict in your office. Answers here also demonstrate problem-solving skills and culture fit.


    1. How would your boss describe you? – This is a great way to ask the “strengths” and “weaknesses” question without actually asking it. It also provides some insight into how your working relationship with the potential talent might be. Does the answer describe a person that would fit well within your organization?


    1. What role do you usually play in a team? – The answer to this question should complement the answer previously – is the way your coworkers see you the way you actually perform in your company? This question also provides insight on personality and autonomy.


    1. Where do you see yourself in five years? – The perfect question for uncovering candidate motivations, answers help determine whether your company and the opportunity presented are a good fit for the interviewee. Will they still be with your team in five years or will they quickly outgrow your department or company?


    1. Tell me about a favorite project you worked on and why it’s your favorite.Resumes offer a list of responsibilities and accomplishments. Answers to this question should reveal the story behind the bullet points, the passion for the project, and the genuine interest for the work. If any of these are missing, perhaps the interviewee is in the wrong business.


  1. Do you have any questions for me? – This is the perfect way to “end” an interview as you turn the tables, engaging the talent to then interview you. Not only does it demonstrate your company’s appreciation for open dialogue, but also lets you know whether the potential job seeker is definitely interested. If they answer “no” – then they are probably not the best fit.

Is there a question you like to ask during interviews? Why do you ask it? Share with us in the comments below.

Jessica Bedford, for Artisan Creative

Managing Time Wasting Managers

Thursday, March 7th, 2013|

You’re humming along, checking things off your to-do list, confident that you will accomplish all of your goals for the day, and then—screech! Your productive day comes to a halt.

Your manager has interrupted you. And your flow.

Hopefully, your manager has an important idea to discuss, practical suggestions to make or new solution to recommend. By stopping to review them together, you could ultimately make your day even more productive.

However, some managers just don’t know when to leave you alone to finish your work. They often find a few different ways of stopping you in your tracks. The key is knowing how your manager could try to derail you and, more importantly, how to manage the situation so you can maintain your workflow, productivity, and a successful relationship.

  • Email—Some managers have to send an email about everything that crosses their minds. Although you cannot ignore their missives forever, you can wait until a designated time (either after your current project or when you’re ready for a break) to respond to several of these comments together. 
  • At the door—Other managers will check in on you too often. Greet her with a smile, tell her how it’s going. Ask her if you can have a little while to finish and you will come to her office, and then be sure to stop by later.
  • Offering encouragement—We all like some cheering on at times, but when it is just an interruption, encouragement can be, well, discouraging. “Isn’t this fun?!” can definitely get on your nerves after a while. Answer with enthusiasm and put your manager at his ease. After all, he’s really just trying to make sure you’re okay.
  • Stop doing that and do this—Managers who are always in emergency mode can make it hard to complete a project – since their priorities seem to change every few minutes. Talk to her about how long the current task will take and when you can start the next one. Stay calm and breathe. Maintain your cool and don’t join in the panic.

Everyone does these things occasionally. And sometimes we do need to be interrupted for important reasons. But if your manager exhibits one of these behaviors often, it is a good idea to have a plan in place so that you can still achieve what you set out to achieve during your workday.

Wendy Stackhouse, for Artisan Creative

4 Tips for Developing Great Managers

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013|

A company’s most valuable—and most expensive—asset is its talent. Finding, hiring, and training that talent are all important, and no organization could exist without those things. But when you have that creative talent on board and working, you want to keep them happy, keep them growing and keep increasing their value. Here are some ways to develop your managers as well as your talent:

  1. Offer Rewards–We hope you are rewarding your talent for productivity gains and reaching sales quotas, but consider rewarding your managers for their talent management successes. A great boss will keep your talent productive and creative and if your managers are making an effort to be outstanding leaders, make sure they know you know it.
  2. Create Mentors–In marketing, you are always analyzing what is working and dropping what is not. You can do the same with your managers. Develop evaluation tools and pair up your talented leaders with less experienced managers to make sure that what is working internally infuses your culture.
  3. Provide Training–As many as 40% of managers are defined by their employees as “bad” or worse bosses. Those employees are thinking about finding a new role. But turnover is not inevitable. Even experienced managers can benefit from some training in talent management.
  4. Consider the Consequences–If you think you need to consolidate your team, be sure you have carefully thought about the unintended consequences of piling one more job on that overworked assistant, giving that account manager 3 more clients, or crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. Cost is only one consideration in successful talent management. Make sure you know what the benefit will be. Your amazing team could be one straw away from falling apart.

Turnover can be painfully expensive and affects your entire culture. Effective talent management can help your company avoid it.

Wendy Stackhouse, for Artisan Creative

Boss vs. Leader

Thursday, October 18th, 2012|

As the country celebrated Bosses Day this week, it got me thinking about some of my own bosses over the years. It also got me thinking about leadership – about how some of the best bosses I’ve had not only managed my work but also allowed me to be part of the process.

But what’s the real difference between a “boss” and a true “leader”?

The Boss

We think of a boss as an authority figure. Someone who makes decisions when they need to be made, including hiring and firing. Someone with a vision of the company, who sees the bigger picture. Who delegates tasks to others and keeps the machinery of the company moving, hopefully smoothly.
All of those things need to happen, but in a top-down culture, a Boss can also neglect some things that leaders never do. Does a Boss:
  • Ask for input before making decisions?
  • Take employees’ needs and desires into account?
  • Welcome feedback?
  • Allow employees to try new strategies that he or she did not think of?
  • Seek out talent who know more than they do in their area of expertise?
I’m sure we all agree that a great Boss does all these things. Sadly, many Bosses do not.
The Leader
A leader takes the role of “boss” a step further. A leader:
  • Knows and respects the knowledge and experience of his or her team and utilizes both
  • Rewards employees for creative solutions
  • Gives credit where credit is due
  • Nurtures talent and helps it to grow deeper
  • Is happiest surrounded by a talented team
One of my favorite sayings is: “If you find that you’re the smartest person in the room, find another room.” No person grows without being challenged and companies don’t grow without true leadership.
Wendy Stackhouse, for Artisan Creative

Building a More Creative Team

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012|

Creativity is essential to innovation and innovation, in today’s marketplace, is essential to success. While Artisan can definitely help you find creative talent for your business, there are also ways of helping the people you employ now be more creative, too!

Did you know that 68% of people believe that creativity is something people are born with and cannot be taught? This opinion, however, has been disproven in studies as far back as the 1970s. The difference is whether people developed their creativity early in life or whether they need some nurturing to bring their creativity to its full potential.

Managers can have a huge influence on the creative ideas and output of the people on their team. Some of their direct reports could already be fonts of ideas, coming up with new ways of solving problems every day. Other team members may not feel like they are creative at all. Both groups need a safe environment to talk through all the ideas they have until the good ones rise to the top. If they feel judged during the ideation process, they could become less willing to share.

Make sure you are giving your creative team the time and space to come up with ideas. Be sure to include those team members who need encouragement during brainstorms, too. Ask for their opinions, offer incentives for innovative ideas to everyone – not just the people labeled “creatives” in your organization.  Remember, good ideas can come from anyone.

The more people in your company who are using their creative abilities to find new ways of doing business, new products, and new ways of communicating, the more success you will have and the happier your company culture will become.

Wendy Stackhouse, for Artisan Creative

Make Meetings Count!

Thursday, May 24th, 2012|

 Creatives are not known for their love of business meetings. Give them a project and let them run with it, don’t make them sit and talk about it.

However, since clear communication between designers, marketing experts, developers, and their clients is essential to happy and successful results, business meetings are a necessary evil.

But they don’t have to be!  Evil, I mean.

If you are in charge of a meeting, you are also in charge of the elements that can make or break it in terms of productivity.

Here are a few tips for making your meetings smooth, efficient, and engaging:

No electronics – I know, everyone will groan. But having people check out of the discussion even once during a business meeting makes it take longer and be more repetitive. No one wants to hear an explanation twice. Remind your attendees that it means they will be out of the meeting faster!

Make a schedule – It might feel over-controlling, but make a schedule for your meeting of how long you will spend on each topic.  Build-in time to cover “other” items or things that might come up during the meeting as well. When you are out of time for something, move on. If your team really wants it to move quickly, set a timer, so when the bell rings, that’s it!

Stay on-topic – If someone starts to go off on a tangent, politely remind them that there will be an opportunity to discuss it at a later time.  Or, if required, another meeting can be scheduled to discuss it further!

Be mindful of Body Language Cues – Are your meeting participants showing signs that they are bored?  Or is everyone interested in the topics being discussed?  Keep attendees engaged by asking questions, encouraging participation, and keeping the schedule moving.

It might sound like you are supposed to be the “bad guy” at your meeting – always telling people “time’s up!” or “off-topic”.  One way to avoid that is to try assigning roles to different people in the meeting – note-taker, timekeeper, etc.  If you can get everyone into the habit of running efficient meetings, your team will stop complaining about them.  Promise!

Any other tried and tested techniques you can recommend?

Wendy Stackhouse, for Artisan Creative