Artisan Creative has gone mobile and since we announced the mobile version of our website last spring, the numbers of job seekers using mobile have increased astronomically. Polling on Glassdoor has reported that 65% of people on job search are using mobile devices to do so at least once a week–more than triple the number just a year ago–and 89% of people expecting to look for a new job next year are planning to use mobile devices to find job listings, research their target companies and get salary information.

At Artisan, we keep mobile best practices in mind when we post our Open Jobs, but if you are writing or posting job descriptions for your company, here are some tips for optimizing them for the tiny screen:

  1. Break it up–Large blocks of text make people read less and less carefully. Split your description into manageable paragraphs that the eye–and the mind–can take in.
  2. Clean it up–Take the time to preview your mobile job descriptions and remove any stray code that may have traveled with your text, as well as to proofread your text one more time. Make a good impression with high-quality candidates for your attention to detail.
  3. Move it up–Don’t bury the lead. Be sure to put the most important elements of your job description at the top so the reader will see them on the first screen without scrolling further. It will help screen out less appropriate candidates, saving their time and yours.

With more great candidates–especially in the IT and creative fields–using mobile to look for new roles, making sure your job descriptions are effective in mobile browsers is more important every day.

Wendy Stackhouse, for Artisan Creative